Friday, February 8, 2013

Queen's Diamond Jubilee Medals - some London Ontario recipients

Good morning everyone,

I hope this post finds you well.  We're getting snow, 10 centimeters so far, looking light and fluffy on the tree branches outside my window. Very pretty, lots of raccoon and rabbit tracks on the fresh white.

Here in London, there was an afternoon party the other day, where the first Diamond Jubilee medals were given out to Londoners who spend volunteer time working for their neighbourhood associations and communities, and who encourage other to participate in how their city works ..."citizen engagement and civic action" as it was termed.

Two city councillors, Joni Baechler and Nancy Branscombe, came up with a list of nominees they could send in together.  This is an excellent model of how two hard-working, intelligent people - with sometimes different perspectives - can work together.  They also paid for the party personally.

Councillor Baechler's website ( has full information about the good work done by those on their list who received the medals, but here's a quick list with just one achievement.

Congratulations and thanks to all of them for helping make the city I live in a good place. I appreciate the good examples, and the reminder that there are so many people plugging away at the three [oft-seeming  intractable] levels of government.

Best regards,

Why's Woman

p.s. a full list of London recipients has not yet been released.

 Some London recipients of  the Queen's Diamond Jubilee Medal - people nominated by city councillors Joni Baechler and Nancy Branscombe.

Carol Agocs – environmental protection of Stoney Creek subwatershed
Gina Barber – championed the Age Friendly City Initiative (
Susan Bentley–  founding member of the Ontario Federation of Urban Neighbourhoods.
 Paul Berton–  involved in the inception of Doors Open London
Marie Blosh–  appointee to the animal welfare task force and  Animal Welfare Advisory Committee
Dr. Stan Brown– worked  to protect Gibbons wetland/woodland, and get designation as Environmentally Sensitive Area
Maureen Cassidy – co-chair of a large community association, encouraging civic activism
Susan Eagle– volunteer for social justice issues: equality, inclusiveness, human rights, homeless and poverty
Jackie Farquhar–  35 years leading her community association on redevelopment, heritage preservation and other issues
Hugh Fletcher– Agricultural Advisory Committee, often taking on the leadership role as chair
Greg Fowler –single handedly live streamed council meeting for many years using his own equipment
Genet Hodder– active and vocal champion for built heritage
Margaret Hoff– championed women rights and equality and worked with Child Care Advisory Committee
Sandy Levin– over two decades involved in civic issues, environment through transit to governance
Russ Monteith – served on various London service boards - Transit Commission, London Hydro and others
Gloria McGinn-McTeer– founding member of the Ontario Federation of Urban Neighbourhoods
Kathryn Munn– a lawyer with a focus on dispute resolution whose volunteer time champions human rights
Mari Parks– championed the study for the Bishop-Hellmuth Heritage designation
 Dennis Pellarin– coordinated a city wide liaison group with an interest in Town and Gown (University) issues
Nick Sauter– founding member of the Argyle Community Association, with particular interest in importance of recreation
Dean Sheppard– coordinating community action for the Million Tree Challenge and ReForest London
Bob Shiell– respected educator, who championed educating about the environment
George Sinclair– Old South Community Association,, with much work to protect the Normal School heritage site
Ken Sumnall– involved with Community Living London, which advocates for people with different abilities 
Lani Teal- A founding member and co-chair of a large community association
Greg Thompson– founding member and served as president of  the Old East Village Community Association 
Stephen Turner– served as Chair and Director of the Urban League of London
 Dr. Tutis Vilis - director of Masonville Residents Association and on executive of Urban League of London

 David Winninger –  civic action on social justice issues

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