Thursday, August 9, 2012

Urban Leaves of India inspires!

Hello everyone,

I hope you are all well.  It's just noon here, and there is a gentle rain falling.  Please may it continue, for hours and hours! 

As so often happens, Serendipity takes me where I need to go.   

From the City Farmer website ( went to a wonderful article about a rooftop vegetable garden, which was on the site for Urban Leaves of India (

Urban Leaves develops urban gardens in Mumbai India.  It surely "develops community" - to use a new term for bringing people together for friendship and practical purpose.  Urban Leaves was established in 2009, and is affiliated with another interesting initiative, the Vidya Vaaridhi* Trust (1994). 

Check along the left side of the Urban Leaves blog pages for the topics covered, including a series on how to start your own kitchen garden or rooftop garden!  With lots of photos.

Please watch the video Reap what you sow, and eat what you grow which charts the development of the Mumbai Port Trust Kitchen Garden and others begun by Urban Leaves.  The video contains a detailed description of how the volunteers develop living soil organically for the gardens. The comments, values and vision of the people involved with the gardens are in common with those of gardeners everywhere, and underlain with an inner spirit.

The Vision of Urban Leaves:
We came from villages to the city and left our roots behind.
We grew fresh roots  by covering cities with urban farms,
A small haven lies right next to us that we can call our very own,
Spreading smiles from Urban Leaves to farthest ends of the globe.
               Uday Acharya, one founder of Urban Leaves

*Vidya Vaaridhi'  literally means 'the ocean of learning'. It is also the name of Ganesha, the Hindu god who represents intelligence, creativity, harmony, and problem solving.

I hope you enjoy this site and are heartened in your own efforts of growing food and friendships.

Best regards!

Why's Woman


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