Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Composting regulation DID NOT go through :-)

Hello again,

I wanted to let you know that the councillors present* at the Public Safety Committee meeting, and the Mayor, were unanimous in deleting the two sections to do with composting that were suggested as additions to the Clearing of Land Bylaw PW-9. Meaning, the regulations about composting and container size are not going to be added to the bylaw.

There were important and useful comments made by all the Committee members, and important and useful comments made by the head of Bylaw Enforcement. I think everyone there recognizes that there are opportunities for education about composting, and opportunities for many groups and projects to work together on ways to raise awareness about composting ... all in relationship to gardens and urban agriculture.

Thank you! To every one of you for giving thought to this - thought waves work! And extra thanks to those of you who wrote a note or made a phone call about this!

Best regards!

Why's Woman

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